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Postby Geijon » Fri Sep 16, 2011 1:31 pm

**This is an optional setting. Certain players or Archmages for example, do not display when doing Who and this is by choice. It does not always reflect live online metrics, only those people who choose to be displayed.

Thursday 1/20 Midnight

Brave adventurers questing from House of the Rising Phoenix:

Geijon Aethor Snowrok Moardak
Tebon Myharl
Total: 6

Monday 1/24 5:30pm

Brave adventurers questing from House of the Rising Phoenix:

Geijon Evia Snowrok
Total: 3

Monday 1/24 Midnight

Brave adventurers questing from House of the Rising Phoenix:

Aethor Myharl Geijon Tebon
Psyryn Moardak
Total: 6

Teusday 1/26 12:30am

Brave adventurers questing from House of the Rising Phoenix:

Aethor Psyryn Tebon Geijon
Total: 4

Wolfloner, and Ichiko are blocked, but awake.

9pm Wednesday 1/26

Brave adventurers questing from House of the Rising Phoenix:

Shirkon Cosannie Aethor Tebon
Vindicate Dasmik Geijon
Total: 7

9:15pm Thursday 1/27

Brave adventurers questing from House of the Rising Phoenix:

Aethor Tebon Evia Dasmik
Sheztalla Balantine Snowrok Godefroy
Total: 9

Friday 1/28 2:30pm

Brave adventurers questing from House of the Rising Phoenix:

Aethor Geijon Dasmik
Total: 3

Post Discussion Saturday 9:25pm 1/29

Brave adventurers questing from House of the Rising Phoenix:

Geijon Sheztalla Aethor Evialla
Godefroy Clunk Dasmik Adyr
Snowrok Shirkon Tebon
Total: 11

Aterik is hidden, Errethe is hidden, Ryski is hidden.

9pm 2/3 during heavy padding raffle

Brave adventurers questing from House of the Rising Phoenix:

Evia Psyryn Tebon Geijon
Snowrok Rraptor Goldstr Godefroy
Myharl Brandain
Total: 10

7:30pm on 2/4 for Enchantment raffle

Brave adventurers questing from House of the Rising Phoenix:

Godefroy Myharl Tebon Vindicate
Zylianara Geijon Aethor Cosannie
Koleph Psyryn Snowrok Adyr
Total: 12

Bathhouse opening 2/6 10pm

Brave adventurers questing from House of the Rising Phoenix:

Balantine Toffee Snowrok Aethor
Errethe Tebon Evia Denissa
Geijon Cosannie
Total: 10

2/11 Saturday 2:30pm

Brave adventurers questing from House of the Rising Phoenix:

Moardak Evia Sindawe? Psyryn
Geijon Aurla
Total: 6

4/18 Spitfire 4:04pm

Brave adventurers questing from House of the Rising Phoenix:

Geijon Deuter Godefroy Evia
Total: 5

4/18 7:41pm

Brave adventurers questing from House of the Rising Phoenix:

Geijon Deuter Koleph Cosannie
Godefroy Moardak
Total: 6

4/19 8pm

Brave adventurers questing from House of the Rising Phoenix:

Snowrok Geijon Deuter Sindawe
Evia Shannivar Godefroy Sheztalla
Total: 8

4/30 10:50am Inductions/Interviews

Tebon Cosannie Geijon Shirkon
Evialla Godefroy
Total: 6

5/15 9:46pm Pre-Invasion (Summoners/Demons)

Brave adventurers questing from House of the Rising Phoenix:

Neathon Evia Aurla Gawyane
Sheztalla Goldstr Guenhafyr Geijon
Aethor Moardak Psyryn Vindicate
Balantine Gillien Snowrok Tebon
Total: 17

5/21 Troll Invasion / End of Worl

Vindicate Shannivar Aethor Tebon
Geijon Aurla Moardak Psyryn
Neathon Snowrok Sheztalla Evia
Total: 12

5/22 Troll invasion Day 2

Aethor Snowrok Psyryn Vindicate
Aurla Godefroy Gawyane Evia
Sheztalla Geijon Cryslon Gillien
Total: 13

6/4 Morning Inductions 10:40am

Zylianara Shmickle Chalces Aethor
Vindicate Geijon Goldstr Shirkon
Cosannie Dyvon Vandele Cryslon
Total: 13

8/14 Saturday 4:30pm

Brave adventurers questing from House of the Rising Phoenix:

Sraven Jyax Vindicate Myharl
Andoff Snowrok Cryslon Gwenievierre

Total: 9

8/30 8:00pm 3 setting teleport ring raffle

Brave adventurers questing from House of the Rising Phoenix:

Goldstr Tatetrick Godefroy Vindicate
Myharl Errenis Shannivar Geijon
Psyryn Clunk Jerolius Cryslon
Snowrok Balantine Barjin
Total: 15
Posts: 65
Joined: Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:26 am

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