House hunts? Favor hunts? Assist Fellow Members

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House hunts? Favor hunts? Assist Fellow Members

Postby HPhoenix » Mon Aug 31, 2009 2:22 am

Greetings folks!

I have been wondering how we can as a House organization bring back some of the
days of old. Tree spirit parties, under the crypt adventures in Pookas, Miners,
and Shadow Valley. Moaning spirits? Ghoul masters?

Are there folks out there who would like to form hunting groups? What level
ranges? Time zones or availability?

I know a lot of questions there, but I am hoping on getting some
feedback/suggestions of what folks in the House are interested in, or seek
assistance with. It doesn't all have to be about hunting undead, but since this
House has always been mostly a bunch of Voln undead hunters, I thought that
would be a way to start.

Other possible assistance can be non-combat related as well. Enchanting
workgroups, alchemy assistance or other services.

I am really interested in bringing some members together, and hopefully get rid
of the feeling of a ghost town that the House seems to me when I wander through
from time to time. It was by chance, I ran into Shirken the other day, and he
filled me in on some of the latest details.

I will start with my best availability in game is the evening (Michigan time)
hours during the week. I am a member of the Drakes Vanguard as well, and try to
make it for most of their evening hunts which start around 8:30pm. They usually
last for about an hour or 2. Although, I can be best described as a casual
player and can only around for an hour or so per day. However I like to make the
most of that precious time while in game.

-Zizzle (Originally)
Site Admin
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Re: House hunts? Favor hunts? Assist Fellow Members

Postby Geijon » Mon Aug 31, 2009 2:26 am

I'd like to see some volunteers perhaps.

Sheath Makers? (Warrior)

Gem Purification? (Bard)

Lore Singing(Bard)

Enchanting? (Wizard)

Imbuing? (Wizard)

Alchemy? (Lots I think)

Favor Hunting? (Any)

I am sure there is more out there, but this is a start. Perhaps posting the best available times for you and we can try to get some things organized on a week to week basis. I don't want anyone to overcommit their time.

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Re: House hunts? Favor hunts? Assist Fellow Members

Postby Tebon » Mon Aug 31, 2009 11:00 pm

The Mentors of Silverwood host warrior guild nights two different nights each week. Me being a Mentor...I'm usually at every one. This week might be a bit different as I had a grandmother pass away today, so this week is a little off que.

But typically, on Monday nights, it is traveling guild night. Due to lack of participation in pretty much every town except Icemule...traveling guild night is either in the Landing or in Icemule at 9 pm est. We (the mentor warriors that run the guild night) sometimes start early, or might be late. Metadi and Evelith are the other two that usually stand around to help out.
Wednsday nights, is Guild night in the Landing at 8 pm est. Typically a very good night with on average 10-20 folks coming by for guild help. Good way to get audience or partner reps, get the idea.

Personally speaking, I am a Master at Arms in the guild, so if you need help with something, I'm usually not that hard to find in the Landing area.

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Re: House hunts? Favor hunts? Assist Fellow Members

Postby Luminasa » Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:53 am

Heh...I can cover gemsinging needs.

I don't mind house hunts, but in the Landing and Solhaven, there's nothing for me to hunt except for the Bowels. I don't mind going there, but it's not particularly on the House Phoenix Hit List, and it's also a place that, in my experience, is better hunting alone rather than in a huge group (ridiculous increase in difficulty when swarming, far more than most places).

The Rift, on the other hand, seems perfect, as long as people are willing to shlep all the way up the mountain and through the shrine.

I wouldn't mind babysitting groups of lower level players, either.
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Re: House hunts? Favor hunts? Assist Fellow Members

Postby Geijon » Tue Sep 08, 2009 3:48 am

As I continue to find people the age range of the House seems pretty set on a lot of members from 65-85. If people want to throw impromptu hunts find any House officer and we'll send out the Guard for notice.

I plan to start some random ones once I am a bit more comfortable again and it's not 3am. :)

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Re: House hunts? Favor hunts? Assist Fellow Members

Postby Luminasa » Mon Apr 19, 2010 2:37 pm

I think it might be a good time to try and revitalize some of the ideas in this thread!

Random thought: do many of us have FWI access? I know a decent number of us are, or soon will, be outgrowing the Landing, and being able to meet on FWI might be helpful.

Doesn't really help with new recruits, but at least for purposes of grabbing someone to pick a lock or sing a gem, it's perfect.

I would really like to see some House hunts. The Teras population is rather small comparatively, but I would so love to lead people down the tunnel for some wind wraiths or soul golems.
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Joined: Sun Aug 30, 2009 6:29 pm

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